That was my primary motivation for creating a collection – I was hoping, when setting up Firefox on a new computer or virtual machine, that I could just install a collection of add-ons rather than needing to install them one by one. However there doesn’t appear to be a way to do it. Am I missing something? If I’m not, then where can I submit a feature request?
Hi @drwhite729! You might want to consider using Firefox Sync to manage the installation of add-ons across multiple devices. Once you have set up Sync, you can set it to include add-ons in the sync.
Thanks, @caitlin, for replying.
However, I mainly created my Add-On collections inorder to share them, to make it possible for others to do this one click step.
In many cases, that’s the precious time when they lilsten to my while in fact I am setting up their Thunderbird profile so there’s definitely a demand to bring that feature for it.
Who is currently maintaining Add-On collections?
Thanks @blausand. The add-ons team is responsible for add-on collections for Firefox (we’re separate from Thunderbird), but we don’t really have any work currently planned for them.
Can you share a link to your collection to make it easier/faster to intall them?