Issues with Internationalization (i18n)

Hello i need help, i am trying to translate my webextension to other languages, it is working great until i use some characters like acents “á” or simbols “¿” or some latin letters “ñ”, i suppose i need to add the “utf-8” i added it in my html documents, but still not working.
I am doing this lie this:
In my _locales messages.json i have this:
“information”: {
“message”: “Information”
}, for example

then i use it like this in a .js for example for options.html i use options-trans.js:

var informationLabel = browser.i18n.getMessage(“information”);
document.getElementById(‘informationLabel’).textContent = informationLabel;

It works,but for example in spanish with this:
“information”: {
“message”: “Información”

then the webextension not install!!! it say it is corrupted, whats is the problem?

You have to ensure that your messages.json is encoded in utf8.

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@freaktechnik thank you very much!!! oh my god, my mistake, lol, i was crazy with this! :rofl: