disini saya mengerjakan latihan flexbox https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn/CSS/CSS_layout/Flexbox_skills dan ini adalah beberapa hasilny #1: https://codepen.io/asep022/pen/oNpdoax
#2: https://codepen.io/asep022/pen/xxpjPeG
#3: https://codepen.io/asep022/pen/eYyreqq
#4: https://codepen.io/asep022/pen/xxpjpGV
elslamo alikom @agis_maulana
you doing great well done just a few notice here
- for task 2 can you solve this additional steps
Additional questions:
Can you now make the first item twice the size of the other items?
i notice you added extra text align to task 3
for task 4 no need to use
flex-basis: auto;
as i the default value
check this
hope that help and have a nice day