Learning math before javascript?

Hi friends i want to ask during learning javascript on mdn for example bouncing balls i feel that i also need to learn math for problem solving. I’m not a computer science student and i forget math which i learn when i’m in high school so there is need of learning math before javascript ?

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Hi @Junaid_Arshad I don’t think you need to have a deep understanding of math to learn the fundamentals of JavaScript. You’ll meet quite a lot of math concepts as you go through the basics, e.g. less than or greater than, and, or, and not logic, etc. It’s all pretty simple stuff however, and you’ll be learning it in an applied way, which makes it easier to retain.


I do some search on internet so i come to know that deep understanding of mathematics is essential before learning machine learning, making algorithms, making graphics etc. and a friend on discourse tell me mathematics and physics helps in writing faster and efficient javascript code. Thanks for your answer now i know that basic understanding of mathematics is necessary before learning javascript so i continue to learn javascript.

I agree with @chrisdavidmills,
For most parts you don’t need much of knowledge in mathematics.
If you find yourself get struggling with specific example you can save a reference to it in some note and when you are more experienced go back and try to look at it again.
You can just skip specific parts you don’t fully understand and move on.
Also, you can search math related things in a search engine when you encounter them.
For example you can search how to find distance between two points for the bouncing balls example.

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