Local installation without internet connection

Hi everybody. Is it possible install deepspeech without internet connection only locally at server? I downloaded deepspeech from github but everywhere I read in installation steps solution over “pip install deepspeech” which will try connect to net.

How can I install this sw only from local repo ?

You are mixing two things, here: installation for inference, and running training.

Ok, it could be that I’m confuse. How can I install inference if I don’t have directly internet connection.

Basically that’s a question about pip, not something we can help with.

I don’t understand. I have DeepSpeech-master package in my server. Is it launch application or I have to run install process ? According to doc I should run “pip install deepspeech” which don’t help me bacause I don’t have net connection.

I dont understand what you are doing. pip install deepspeech just install Python package that does inference.

The network requirements is really not a DeepSpeech one, it’s how pip works. I can’t help you with that.

Ok, I got it. My first installation deepspeech*.whl was broken, after second installation command “deepspeech -h” show me menu. Thanks for time :wink: