First, I realize this may be the wrong place to post this, but I honestly don’t know where else to try.
I rely heavy on the Interclue extension developed by Seth Wagoner. It hasn’t been updated since 2011 and there appears to be no way to contact Mr. Wagoner. And, to be brief, I’m hoping to interest a developer in creating a replacement.
The extension allows one to preview the contents of a link so that it isn’t necessary to load the entire web page, a major time savings when one’s DSL is so slow it no longer even qualifies as broadband.
Although the extension continues to work through Firefox 41.0.2., the most significant part of its functionality (an icon that appears over a link indicating that if one clicks on it a preview will appear) pretty much stopped working in Firefox 34 (it will pop up occasionally, but no longer appears next to any of the dozens and dozens of links that I use it on daily). So the last version of Firefox in which it is fully functional is Firefox 33.
If I could locate Mr. Wagoner, I would pay him to update the extension, and if anybody in the developer community knows him and would be willing to contact him, I’d appreciate it.
Alternatively, since no equivalent extension has ever been developed as far as I can tell, I am hoping that maybe I could interest somebody in creating an equivalent extension.
I’m by no means rich, but I would honestly be willing to pay somebody who could come up with a product that does the same thing.
Its great to see a fan like this of an addon. I don’t have the time to get into this but it (the fix, not the addon from scratch) seems pretty simple . If you are willing to become an addon developer I can work with you one on one over teamviewer. My hope is that your enthusiasm (slash reliance ) will drive you to maintain and improve this addon. I totally have time to do that with you.
If I had the skills, I would but the last languages I programmed in were Focus, Pascal & PL1! I might be able to learn given 200 or 300 spare hours, bud I don’t have them.
But I do appreciate the offer. And it is good to know that the fix seems to be simple.
Mr. Wagoner lived in Christchurch, New Zealand when he created Interclue. I don’t know if he still lives there.
So if there is anybody in the Mozilla developers’ community who knows him and could extend my offer, I would very much appreciate it.
No. Totally different product. Curiyo seems designed to give you additional information about some topic or word on the page you’re looking at it.
Interclue previews the entire web page (well most of the page) that would open up if you clicked on a link. An icon appears at the end of a link. You click on it and a small window opens up with the content of the page which you can scroll, read or copy from.
The little icon doesn’t appear next to every link, and I’ve never been able to figure out why, but until version 34 of Firefox, it appears next to most of the links that I use it for. Since version 34 of Firefox, the little icon rarely appears next to any link (again, at least on all of the pages that I routinely access). There is an alternative option which is to have the popup appear after lingering on a link for a certain amount of time. But if you make the time too short, the window will pop up way too often on lots of links, or even tabs, that don’t interest you; if you make it longer, well, it takes longer to find out whether or not Interclue has recognized that the link is previewable (by its terms).