Material needed for FRENCH model creation

Hi Mark2.
Good news…
Impatient to read U

FYI, Common Voice has been added on Pontoon for localization. French locale has been completed (except the lega stuff, I will do that at some point later) and is currently under review. So soonish we should be able to start building text corpus and voice collection for French :).

I don’t know yet how we should organize ourselves, but I guess Common Voice’s section of Discourse: is a good start?

What a good news !!
Impatient to test.

Yes, link to pontoon is
if you want to participate to the translation

That’s the first step. Then we’ll have to coordinate ourselves and build a good text corpus, but I already have my ideas on that :slight_smile:

Hi @lissyx,

I found books in CC-0 on framasoft and have already split them into file of 500 sentences each but I’m making a sense check on them actually.

That’s nice! What kind of books ?

I am interested too !!


3 novels you can find them here this are "le cycle des Neonautes"
and 1 more technical about CC license

Nice! Something I’m a bit puzzled about is the compatibility of the AN license with CC-0: If anyone confident in licensing can have a look?

Hi @lissyx,

I think this sentence make the license not compaible with CC-0
Mentionner la paternité de « l’Information » : sa source (a minima le nom du « Producteur »)
et la date de sa dernière mise à jour.

I’m not into legal but I believe you will not be authorize to use it as part of the project because those information will not be under each sentence…

in CC-O you need to abandons any copyright

So, I asked officially our lawyers to verify, and they say it’s okay. We just have to find a proper way to mention attributions on the website, but we can rely on that data. I’ll check with @mhenretty and the french parliaments on details, but in the past I already reached out to them and they were nice, so I don’t worry much :slight_smile:

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Those are good news, Lissyx