I am writing the code for a “ESP8266 Thing”, which contains the following devices: 4 relays, 4 RFID, 4 switches and an RS485 port.
When I make the call:
“HTTP: // IP Address” I get a Json document, containing all the descriptions of the device. It takes up 8 Kb.
The call:
“HTTP: // IP Address / things / GetRFID” fills 800 bytes
Question 1: Why did the first call, return all the device descriptors, was it not enough, to return each device’s “Href”?
Question 2:
When the gateway discovers devices, it eats approx. 16 Kb. from heap. Is it 2 x Large_Json_Document_Size?
Question 3:
Must “LARGE_JSON_DOCUMENT_SIZE” be set to 8 kb in order to execute the 8 Kb “HTTP: // IP Address”?
Question 4: Is there a recommended minimum, for available Heap?