c++ -std=c++11 -o deepspeech `pkg-config --cflags sox` -fopenmp client.cc -Wl,--no-as-needed -Wl,-rpath,\$ORIGIN -L/home/ryanf/project-roambot/DeepSpeech/tensorflow/bazel-bin/native_client -ldeepspeech -Wl,-Bstatic `pkg-config --static --libs sox` -lgsm `pkg-config --static --libs libpng | cut -d' ' -f1` -lz -lmagic -lltdl -Wl,-Bdynamic -ldl
/usr/bin/ld: /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/9/../../../x86_64-linux- gnu/libmagic.a(compress.o): in function `uncompressbuf':
(.text+0x63d): undefined reference to `lzma_auto_decoder'
/usr/bin/ld: (.text+0x6a0): undefined reference to `lzma_code'
/usr/bin/ld: (.text+0x6c1): undefined reference to `lzma_end'
/usr/bin/ld: (.text+0xa8d): undefined reference to `BZ2_bzDecompressInit'
/usr/bin/ld: (.text+0xae1): undefined reference to `BZ2_bzDecompress'
/usr/bin/ld: (.text+0xb03): undefined reference to `BZ2_bzDecompressEnd'
/usr/bin/ld: /usr/local/lib/libsox.a(libsox_la-alsa.o): in function `recover':
/home/ryanf/project-roambot/DeepSpeech/sox-14.4.2/src/alsa.c:172: undefined
reference to `snd_strerror'
/usr/bin/ld: /home/ryanf/project-roambot/DeepSpeech/sox-14.4.2/src/alsa.c:173:
undefined reference to `snd_pcm_resume'
/usr/bin/ld: /home/ryanf/project-roambot/DeepSpeech/sox-14.4.2/src/alsa.c:177:
undefined reference to `snd_pcm_prepare'
/usr/bin/ld: /home/ryanf/project-roambot/DeepSpeech/sox-14.4.2/src/alsa.c:178:
undefined reference to `snd_strerror'
I’m trying to build DeepSpeech from source, but I’m getting missing library errors. There are also FLAC, vorbis, ogg, and other errors. I tried editing the definitions.mk file to include many of the missing libraries, but it just kept going on.
I’m currently using DeepSpeech version 0.7.1, Tensorflow version 1.15 checkout, and Bazel v0.24.1. I have everything in one directory (~/project-roambot/DeepSpeech), including sox-14.4.2, which has been build with ./configure and make install with no visible errors.