I am developing an add-on which integrates with a native messaging component. Upon trying to connect, the following statement is printed in the browser console:
Native messaging not allowed: {
"contextId": 3710851743749,
"id": "himitsu@drewdevault.com",
"envType": "content_child",
"url": "http://example.org/",
"tab": {
"id": 13,
"index": 6,
"windowId": 1,
"highlighted": true,
"active": true,
"attention": false,
"pinned": false,
"status": "complete",
"hidden": false,
"discarded": false,
"incognito": false,
"width": 1443,
"height": 966,
"lastAccessed": 1653562023462,
"audible": false,
"mutedInfo": {
"muted": false
"isArticle": false,
"isInReaderMode": false,
"sharingState": {
"camera": false,
"microphone": false
"successorTabId": -1,
"cookieStoreId": "firefox-default",
"openerTabId": 6,
"url": "http://example.org/",
"title": "Example Domain"
"frameId": 0
Attempting to use the port in the add-on gives “Attempt to postMessage on disconnected port”.
I have pushed the code for my add-on here, where you may be able to reproduce the problem:
The native component is just, for testing purposes, a program which copies stdin to stdout (and per my understanding would just post every message it receives back to the add-on verbatim). You can compile it with Hare, or substitute it with a similarly simple program in the language of your choice – or just use /usr/bin/cat.
I have “nativeMessaging” in my permissions in the manifest, as well as an add-on ID assigned and listed in the native component’s manifest, which I have installed at the appropriate location for Linux. I found no results when searching for the error message I received, except in the Firefox source code itself: