Anybody with experience editing /mdn/browser-compat-data/ wants to help me add new information into it?
Hi @dboppch!
I’m happy to give you some help with browser-compat-data. What new data were you hoping to add to it?
Hi @chrisdavidmills
thanks for reaching out. In iOS13, the implementation of perspective/translateZ is broken. Not mentioned on, but acknowledeged at various places online, e.g. here:
OK, so we probably want to update the safari_ios data on these two files:
- (the “3d” data)
To add a note about this, or maybe even add a separate data point altogether to say that iOS started partially supporting these properties as of v13.
I’m not 100% sure of the best way to handle this. How about you file an issue at, explaining the problem and what I’ve just said, and asking the BCD folk for their advice on the best approach?
Feel free to put me on the issue, so I can help shepherd it.
Thanks, I submitted it as an issue.