Note about <img srcset="">

I think that in the linked image, No. 4 should be:

  1. Load the image referenced in the srcset list that has the same size or the first one bigger than the chosen slot size.

For example

Firefox Addons

In this case the browser will use the 1200w image because it’s greater than 601px, although the 600w is closer.

Makes sense to me. Thanks @Eslam_Samir, I’ve updated it now.

Hello @Eslam_Samir @chrisdavidmills
hope that everything going fine with both of you

nice one but notice also the order of the source element has effect also try to use image for size 900px and try to replace it before the 800px and then try to replace it after the 800px

so it apply the image thet first success to the criteria and based on the order of the source element

hope that help and have a nice day