Hello everyone
hope that everything going fine with all of you
i am looking for some books related to computer science the problem is that i need a site that offer free readings of books with updated version of books
i know i can use google but it will return illegal website and i found one but has a very old version of books
and as you know computer science change so fast
so if anyone can suggest a website that would be much appreciated
thanks and have a nice day everyone 
Don’t know about books but there are complete Comp Sci courses available for free.
To mention a few:
I took an online course with MIT (not the one mentioned) and I was satisfied with this format.
You can find more if that doesn’t satisfy you.
Note that Comp Sci has parts that were written in old books but are not outdated at all! Data structures, memory management, caching and algorithms all are still relevant nowadays like they were many years ago. There might be improvements and changes over time of course, so if that is a concern try to find one that was published recently.
Happy researching and learning
EDIT: I found a github comp sci self taught that looks promising
thanks @aviv.mu
and i know those website and maybe i did not explain myself as i should be sorry for that
i meant by computer science that anything related to computer technology like html css java ai sql and all those stuff
and i prefer books cause it include more info specialy the one that act as complete reference that start from scratch to the most advanced level
hope that clear my question more and thanks for your help and have a nice day
The resources that I mentioned include also books.
A resource that I found from the github is a book called How to Design Programs
hope other give a hand here
thanks and have a nice day