So as most of you know @helios has started an extra topic on our weekly call named “Open Space Discussion” where Reps can bring topics to discuss and we can have a more participatory call.
We’ve brainstormed a little bit about it and came with 2 possible ideas for this space:
Bring topics at the call that already have visibility hear and ask people’s ideas about them. In that way we can give more visibility on some interesting topics.
Initiate topics at the call and after a small discussion we open a topic at discourse so we can continue the conversation async.
So now we need your brains, what do you think about it? What solution you like best? Maybe you have another suggestion? Let us know
We can also open a poll about it
I’d suggest to keep the normal reps call to 30min and right after that go on with the Open Space Discussion, which would be kinda of disattached from the reps call, but people could go on to participate if they wish to.
So it would operate more as an “add-on” to the Reps call, rather than a constant part of the official reps call, as that might be too much for a weekly basis.
I really like this idea. I’m pretty sure we could even start a new recording for this, in case people are interested. But I definitely agree that this should not be within the normal call and would be too much.
To make sure that the discussions are as impactful as possible, maybe we could start discussions on Discourse, get some initial feedback and then elaborate on this addition to the call, and share back the notes to the discussion thread. Like this, it’s completely optional to attend the call.