Prompted to download and install Firefox patch

While browsing today, I had a tab open from prompting me to download and run a file called “firefox-patch.exe”. No explanation about what the patch was about. The page looked legitimate inasmuch as it was using the official Fx logo and colors.

I downloaded and scanned the patch and it came up clean with MacAfee but I did not run it. It is a small file (298 kb). Did anyone else get this notification? Is it legit?

Surely not probably you have a virus on your computer.

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I’ve run into this fake Firefox update before as well! While browsing Imgur, it appeared automatically as a popup. From a different site though: (link was dead after just 1 visit). There seems to be a outbreak of these sites pushing this “patch” malware. 26 of these sites sighted here: sites serving fake firefox-patch.exe/firefox-patch.js list and discussion. | SUMO community discussions | Forums | Mozilla Support

It was called “Firefox Update Center”. Screenshot below:

I didn’t think to grab the patch file. Chuck, would you happen to still have a copy of this file? If you do, would you mind sending a copy to & Tyler has some AV partner contacts and is willing to submit the file to them so that at least this file will be detected as a virus and stopped by the AVs.

I do happen to have a copy of the patch (it’s quarantined under McAfee)
but when I try to attach it to send to & the attachment is refused. I don’t know if it’s
Thunderbird on my end, my ISP,, or gmail that’s refusing to
accept it. Do you know of some other way to send it?

Chuck Baker

Make it zip, and upload it on filesharing website like dropbox, google drive and share the link

Ok, I’ve managed to upload it to my domain:

Will whomever needs it, will they be able to get this post?

Remarkable speed, Chuck! I wasn’t expecting a reply that fast. :smiley:

Thank you! That worked! I was able to download your zip file. I’ll see if there’s some way I can trick gmail into sending it as a attachment. I’ll also send Tyler your domain link just in case that doesn’t work out. Thanks again!