While browsing today, I had a tab open from https://zehuurelaxbbs.net/8161221164304/69f27deb81731b2f72b0f44d398e15f9.html prompting me to download and run a file called “firefox-patch.exe”. No explanation about what the patch was about. The page looked legitimate inasmuch as it was using the official Fx logo and colors.
I downloaded and scanned the patch and it came up clean with MacAfee but I did not run it. It is a small file (298 kb). Did anyone else get this notification? Is it legit?
I didn’t think to grab the patch file. Chuck, would you happen to still have a copy of this file? If you do, would you mind sending a copy to tdowner@mozilla.com & mozsupport@gmail.com? Tyler has some AV partner contacts and is willing to submit the file to them so that at least this file will be detected as a virus and stopped by the AVs.
I do happen to have a copy of the patch (it’s quarantined under McAfee)
but when I try to attach it to send to tdowner@mozilla.com & mozsupport@gmail.com the attachment is refused. I don’t know if it’s
Thunderbird on my end, my ISP, mozilla.com, or gmail that’s refusing to
accept it. Do you know of some other way to send it?
Remarkable speed, Chuck! I wasn’t expecting a reply that fast.
Thank you! That worked! I was able to download your zip file. I’ll see if there’s some way I can trick gmail into sending it as a attachment. I’ll also send Tyler your domain link just in case that doesn’t work out. Thanks again!