Note: I’m excluding automatic reviews (for unlisted add-ons) starting with this report, since they aren’t relevant for most people following them and add too much noise.
Review Queue state
The tables below represent the state of the review queues at different points in time, divided into 3 “buckets” depending on how long they have been waiting. Ideally we want all nominations and updates to be under 5 days, so our goal is to have 100% of reviews on the third column.
Full Review Nominations
10 days+ 5-10 days 5 days- Total
01/01 143 (76%) 30 (16%) 14 (7%) 187
02/01 67 (71%) 12 (13%) 16 (17%) 95
Now 1 (5%) 0 (0%) 20 (95%) 21
Full Review Updates
10 days+ 5-10 days 5 days- Total
01/01 61 (64%) 22 (23%) 12 (13%) 95
02/01 0 (0%) 2 (9%) 21 (91%) 23
Now 0 (0%) 1 (4%) 22 (96%) 23
Preliminary Reviews
10 days+ 5-10 days 5 days- Total
01/01 148 (67%) 53 (24%) 20 (9%) 221
02/01 21 (29%) 19 (26%) 32 (44%) 72
Now 0 (0%) 3 (7%) 39 (93%) 42
Reviewer Contributions
Nominations Updates Prelim. Admin flag Info req Total
Dec 412 (18%) 897 (39%) 734 (32%) 43 (2%) 187 (8%) 2273
Jan 590 (19%) 1201 (39%) 1081 (35%) 17 (1%) 190 (6%) 3079
Feb 409 (27%) 486 (32%) 515 (34%) 4 (0%) 88 (6%) 1502
Nominations: full review nominations.
Updates: full review updates.
Prelim.: preliminary reviews.
Admin flag: reviews escalated to admin review.
Info req: information requests to authors.
For more information on how the review process works, and how you can check your add-on review status, please read An Overview of the AMO Review Process.