Hello Reps,
For this RoM selection we started to use the voting tool so now the Mentors can select the RoM, the results are just amazing and we are very glad on how this process turned up, even so, this month we had so much things happening, and so many amazing Reps doing great things everywhere, that we at the Council felt that just picking one RoM for October wasn’t enough, so, lets have two! Please join me to congratulate these guys as they have been selected Rep of the Month:
Robert Sayles
Robbie has been leading volunteers at MozFest for the 2nd year, he is the personification of what Reps can do, be and influence. Robbie was one of the hardest working Rep at MozFest, and I think it’s time he gets recognized for that. Robby’s help at MozFest was above and beyond, there were about 50% less volunteers than expected and he was obviously on top of that, with a smile - always.
Jefferson Duran
While we had a lot of Reps attending MozFest in London this year, there were others doing an amazing work on their home countries as well, during september and october, Jeff has been traveling around Colombia hosting webmaker parties non-stop, its just amazing the amount of work that he has been putting into making this happen to teach students and people around his country how to be a Maker 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Arturo Martinez
~Reps Council Chair