We want to keep you updated about our efforts we did in the first quarter of this year. At the beginning of the quarter we published the goals for this quarter. Now we want to evaluate those and see what we achieved and what not. You can find the tl;dr overview without much explanation here: https://mozilla.github.io/Reps/okr-dashboard/Q1-2017/ . This was the first time we used that dashboard, therefore we didn’t communicate this before as we wanted to try it first and see if this is even possible to do it with that technology. It turns out it fits quite well, so we will share the link to the current dashboard with all future OKR communications. Yay!
The completion level of the several key results are indicated in the brackets.
Objective 1 - We start to have a unified approach across Mozilla of recruiting, aligning and investing in mobilizers
(~ 30%) Shared onboarding framework and tools are identified for Reps, Regional Coaches, Club Leads and Resource Leads [shared with MoFo]
This goal was stopped quite early in the process. Due to missing resources to coordinate this effort, this was put on hold. As we had some interest in it, we decided to keep this going on Council efforts, but due to missing information and time to coordinate we did not make a lot of progress here. While we would appreciate some consolidation of efforts, this requires a lot of time. However, the most important aspect of this for the Reps program is done, we have documented the onboarding process as we imagine it with the new Webinar. If that experiment is successful, we are looking at a more efficient process to onboard new Reps. We will continue the Reps on boarding effort in Q2.
**(~ 60%) ****50% of Reps **activities are in support of activities prioritized on Activate mobilizer portal
We did not quite achieve this goal, but we are very close. In January we had around 28% of Reps activities being related to MozActivate. That number grew up to around 40%. We are confident that MozActivate is an important tool for mobilizers to gather their communities and have an impact in important areas in Mozilla. We are looking forward to further grow that number to show our strength in mobilising others to contribute to what we need most right now.
(~ 80%) Core community sentiment > 11.5 NPS (Net Promoter Score)
**(~ 25%) **Mobilizer sentiment > 20 NPS (Net Promoter Score)
The sentiment survey has been sent out in the last week of the quarter. We have gathered a lot of responses within the first few days. However, for both community and Reps the Net Promoter Score is below our imagined target. We wanted to keep the level from last quarter, but we dropped a few points. We went through the free-text responses and will take suggestions into consideration for our experiments. Overall, we didn’t achieve the goal in terms of numbers, but we achieved the goal of having a measurement.
Objective 2 - We have a strong base in our transformation towards a mobilizer program
(100%) Communication channels have a clear purpose and we have a list of defined content to share on these channels
Target: Communication is documented
Outcome: Fully achieved, communication channels and strategy is documented as well as Newsletter sent
We have done quite a lot in the past quarter in terms of communication. The work started at the end of last year, but we are now at a position where we see results. The first two issues of the newsletter have been sent out. Furthermore we decided on a strategy for communication right now, which is to go as we have with improvements. We have documented all communication channels as well as our checklists for communication. While we don’t have a new strategy documented and published, we have a current strategy. Further there is an experiment ongoing on the Facebook page to have better content with the hypothesis that better crafted posts will get more engagement. One of the goals for Q2 will be to evaluate this experiment. Additionally we will go from here and identify further improvements in Q2.
**(~ 50%) **100% Reps watching both Reps and NDA discourse by the end of February
Target: 100% Reps watching both Reps and NDA discourse
Outcome: not measurable number of Reps watching both Reps and NDA, but not 100%, but we have a possible plan on how to achieve this
We did not achieve this, we probably only have around 50% of this done now. We now what we want, but the technical part is still in work and might take some time. We completely underestimated the efforts that are needed here. It turned out that we were not completely sure what we actually wanted and how to handle edge-cases. We found a volunteer to help us with this, which is greatly appreciated. However, in the end we will still need time to test and put this into production.
(~ 40%) We have a clear plan on Coaching in the Reps program in 2017 and the Leadership track is open for applications to run a draft training
Target: Coaching plan is done, Leadership track is open
Outcome: Coaching plan is drafted, Leadership track is not open
We have gathered all past efforts in terms of Coaching and created a synthesis of that. We have a document currently being reviewed by several people. Once this is done we will put this out to all Reps for feedback. This is about the coaching. In the end we will need a solution that can scale, we are currently on a good way there, but in the end we are only around 50% achieving our set goals. In terms of Leadership track, we will most probably open this up to all Reps instead of a track (still needs discussion) and start slow. In this quarter, due to resources, we didn’t advance this part as much as we hoped.
(~ 40%) Reps Resources Training is finished and the Resources track is open for applications
Target: Resource Training finished, Resource track open
Outcome: Resource Training finished, Resource track not open
The Reps Resources training is finished and ready to be published. This goal we achieved quite well, apart from the opening of the track itself. We decided to wait for an upcoming survey on how Reps see their role in the program before we open the Resources track. Once this is done (expected for Q2), we will open up the training/track.
(~ 80%) At least 50 Reps have given feedback on the draft Community Participation Guidelines
Through the MozActivate campaign, the Diversity & Inclusion team got feedback for a Community Participation Guidelines draft. We know that some Reps have given feedback. However, we do not know how many individual Reps gave feedback, therefore this goal is hard to measure.
Non-communicated goals we achieved
Since our Reps application queue was quite long and people had been waiting for months to hear back from us, we informally put the Webinar we want to experiment with on our tracking dashboard. We have contacted and evaluated all pending applications. In the first cohort for the Webinar we have 23 participants. This Webinar will happen very early April. Further we have screened applications for Cohort 2. If the first cohort is a successful, we will do a second round of Webinar with the newly screened applicants. Right now the application queue is down to below 5 applicants that are not planned for any further action. In the future we want to further improve this and make sure that there are no longer waiting times anymore. We think, if successful, that the Webinar is a big help with this and we could decrease the waiting time significantly.
Goal setting
We have taken part in the goal setting for the Community Development Team’s OKRs for Q2 as well as have worked on our OKRs. We were, once again, deeply involved in the discussions going on in the Community Development team and could provide a volunteer viewpoint. We consider this goal to be fully achieved.
We will soon publish the OKRs for the second quarter. We will build on our efforts we did in Q1 and are confident that this has set a good base to move forward.
on behalf of the Council