runtime.sendMessage really compatible across browsers?

According to the Browser compatibility chart for runtime.sendMessage(), this API is compatible across Chrome and Firefox. I’m not seeing that to be the case though – the Firefox version seems to return a Promise where the Chrome version seems to be essentially a void return (and needs a callback function to use it asynchronously).

Is the difference expected behavior and something that should be added as a note to the page?

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Aside from the promise thing, it works pretty much the same. I haven’t had issues with differences with Chrome v Firefox. But v Edge I find some issues, can’t remember them right now i abstracted it and forgot about it.

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That’s what I’m seeing too – the Promise difference is not insignificant though!

Here is a polyfill to get the promise structure in Chrome too -

The promise way is preferred because it works so awesomely with async/await.

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Notice also that you can use callbacks in order to be compatible with every browsers.

//Promise --> works only in Firefox

is equivalent to

//Callback --> works in Firefox, Chrome and Opera
var browser = browser || chrome;