Should the `FinalizationRegistry.prototype.cleanupSome` page be removed?

In Issue #6 on the new cleanupSome proposal, @littledan says the MDN page for cleanupSome should be removed now that cleanupSome has been split off from the WeakRefs proposal. The new proposal hasn’t been presented to TC39 yet and the champions figure it’ll either be Stage 2 or Stage 3 once presented in July.

For now, I’ve updated the page to say it’s been split off and to add the Experimental tag. (And I’ll update the compat data.) I don’t have permissions to delete pages…which is probably for the best. :slight_smile:

Should it be removed? I mean, I trust @littledan to have a good sense of these things. If so, could someone remove it?


@fscholz bringing this one to your attention, just in case you miss it :wink:

To clarify, cleanupSome is at Stage 2. We don’t expect to see it shipping in browsers any time before Stage 3, and the plan is to get some experience with WeakRef without this method first. It’s unclear whether cleanupSome will ever happen. That’s why I think it would make sense to remove from MDN documentation.

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Deleted the page.
We can remove the compat data altogether, too.

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@fscholz - I’m on it, and I’ll edit the FinalizationRegistry page as well.
