[Support] Brief

Хм… мне это слегка напоминает один непонятный баг.

Вкладка Brief открывается по нажатию кнопки или как-то по-другому?

Перезапуск Firefox, надо думать, от этого тоже не помогает?

Речь про последнюю версию Brief, полагаю?

по кнопке.

да, не помогает.

всё последнее, и brief и firefox.

Окей, что в консоли вкладки Brief выдаёт следующая команда?

Database._open({storage: 'persistent'}).then(db => Migrator.studySource({db})).then(console.log, console.error)

Ага, кажется, это оно. Можно у последней ошибки (DOMException) развернуть стек серым треугольничком?

P.S. Если вы пользуетесь Gitter, такой интерактивный дебаггинг можно вести в https://gitter.im/brief-rss/brief

там ничего нет.

я в первый раз о нём слышу. Это, похоже, какой-то чат? Если вам удобнее через него, у меня есть учётка гитхаба, могу там залогиниться. Только я не знаю, как этим пользоваться.

When I try to add a new feed to Brief 2.5.8 in Firefox 61.0.1 (64bit) on WIN10 I get a problem with the location of the feeds in the bookmarks

I haven’t change my subscribed feeds for a long time. Today I try to add a new one via „Dynamic links“ in the firefox bookmarks but it don’t appear in Brief. I have no „Subscribed Feeds“ folder within my bookmarks so I try to find the location where my working feeds are stored. But I couldn’t find any entry for the successful working feeds in the whole bookmarks. How could this be?
I give it a try and store the dynamic link for the new feed in different locations in my bookmark (menu, others etc.). But without success: It don’t appear in Brief

When I create a new Firefox profile, install Brief and add the new feed it appear without any problem in Brief (and I see it in the bookmarks)

I don’t want to loose the hundreds of stored feed entries in my original Firefox profile.
Is there a way to locate them even when I don’t find them in the bookmarks. They have to be somewhere because Brief working absolute fine with them (I can read all of them and get new feed entries)

In modern Firefox versions Brief does not keep the feed list in the Firefox bookmarks as it has no access to the feed URLs stored there. They are kept in a Brief-internal database instead.

The correct way of subscribing now is to go to the page with the feed and click the Brief icon in the Firefox address bar.

Thank you for your fast response.

Until your hint I didn’t see this icon in the address bar (because it is in the sub menu below the …)

In the first try it still doesn’t work but after removing and then re-adding the Brief-addon it works now fine.

Thanx for your support and this nice piece of software.

Just Installed Brief 2.5.8 in Firefox 61. I see it on the address bar. When I try to establish a rss feed, I don’t see BRIEF either in the Bookmark dialogue or the “Subscribe to this feed in…” dialogue box. I only see “Live Bookmarks” or “My Yahoo” or choose application.
How do I get Brief to show up so I can start using it?

I just updated to 2.5.8. It works well, but all the “Organize” button does is select all the feeds–nothing else. Ist possible to add folders to my feed list? If so, how do you do it? If not, will that capability be added eventually?

@crogerblair The “Organize” button also makes the titles editable and adds a “…” entry to the end of the list (and every folder). Editing the “…” entry creates a new folder.

@allessio77 The current subscribing method is to use the Brief icon in the address bar (pulsing if you’re on a page with the “subscribe in” choice).

Tanriol, I found the “…” entry, but clicking it (left-, right- and

Roger Blair

crogerblair@hotmail.com double-) does nothing. What am I missing?

If you click it, a cursor should appear and you should be able to type in the folder name. After you press Enter, the folder should be created.

I can’t even select the “…” line; I see it, but I can’t select it. What am I doing wrong?

can you put this option " Show the oldest first in the display of unread articles " for each RSS feed independently and not for all RSS feeds please.

Здравствуйте, Денис. Баг продолжает появляться. Конечно, теперь я знаю, как с ним бороться, но, если это ошибка в коде, то он появляется и у других, и, скорее всего, они просто удаляют расширение. Или это у меня какая-то ошибка с профилем Firefox.


The keyboard shortcut for Brief is Ctrl + Shift + D, that shortcut is the default shortcut for bookmarking all tabs in Firefox, is there anyway to remap the shortcut??

Hi there!
How can I sync (manually) Brief between two profiles? Which files contain the extension state and feed content?

I want the oldest items on top, but, despite I marked this option in preference, I always get the newest items on top.