As I couldn’t communicate with the users of my Tab Sweeper add-on properly at, I try this forum. Please elaborate your ideas here.
Hello Roxz,
re your ideas
I. create sub-folders for each day that way it’s easier to organize them later after a few days
a) Will folder names YYYY-MM-DD (year, month, day) be OK?
b) The idea was that only those URIs would be bookmarked that hadn’t been bookmarked yet. So those may not be found by folders. Is that right?
II. you could add a whitelist system to prevent some tabs from being swiped
a) How exactly that whitelist would work?
b) Pinned tabs are whitelisted.
1)a)Yeah that’s would be ok personally I think more emphasis on the day would be better but some country’s use MM/DD and others use DD/MM so it might be confusing so like you said is probably better or if you can make the option to choose between those two would be even better.
b) if you mean that there might be duplicates between folders I think it’s ok.
2)a) If is on whitelist and tab url is then dont swipe that tab. You could make it so if you whitelist then all the subdomains from will be also whitelisted or you could add a wildcard system so that if you whitelist then only whill be whitelisted but if you whitelist* then all the subdomains will be whitelisted this for example is usefull for pages that have videos on them i might not want the video page to be swiped so i can whitelist only* instead the whole and it’s subdomains.
protected tabs =/= pinned tabs. Protected tabs come from add-ons such as tab mix plus and tab utilities fixed. Protecting a tab means that it cannot be closed this prevents it from being accidentally closed and some other add-ons allow you to do more with protected tabs. If you implement the whitelist adding compatibility support to protected tabs wont be necessary.
Please make the whitelisting easy to access. If you can add an item to the tab menu something like
Tab Sweeper: -> whitelist* | whitelist* | whitelist* | Open whitelist
If you use the wildcard else just the first and the last items of the submenu on the tab menu will suffice.
I’ve found this in your review:
For those saying that they have multiple copies of the same tab could it be possible that you protected the tab so the add-on tried to close it but it couldn’t?
This must be a later addition to your review that I didn’t get in email. I hope this forum works a lot better.
protected tabs =/= pinned tabs. Protected tabs come from add-ons such as tab mix plus
I tried it: the protected tab gets only bookmarked once (well, it shouldn’t be at all, but who knows about other add-ons? I’ll see what can I do about it.)
1.b No, that’s not what I meant. You implicitly ask for disabling the bookmark deduplication feature, but that’s the easiest one.
I developed features for you, but uploading to doesn’t work with different errors, and there’s no other way to sign the add-on to be usable in recent Firefox versions.
Maybe I’ll try a newer SDK when I get some sleep.
Mozilla signs the add-on but that takes a day or two you can upload the xpi to any host like for example mediafire or zippyshare if you want me to test it. I have the beta x64 with signature check off and I can also test it in the dev version of firefox that does not endorse the signature check by default.
I managed to upload it finally. Surprisingly, only “uploading” was difficult. It was validated and signed fast.
Here it is.
Bookmark folder can be changed and date variables are supported.
Global bookmark deduplication can be disabled, but the same URI still won’t be bookmarked more than once in the same folder.
Tabs protected by Tab Mix Plus won’t be bookmarked.
As for whitelisting, hmm, maybe later. I’d like to keep this add-on simple. Especially now that the future of Firefox (FireChrome) add-on development is dark for some of us.
Thanks a lot for implementing my requests. So to be clear if I select as the name %day%-%month%-%year% It will create every day a new folder with today’s date and that folder will contain today’s swept tabs on it?
The protected tab compatibility will suffice for now although I wont lie I’ll be looking forward to the whitelist feature when things are more certain and you have more time.
The folder will only be created if there is a need for it to bookmark a closed tab.
As you can read in earlier posts, that is already supported: either pin the tab or protect it by using Tab Mix Plus add-on.
If I understand right, that would be a bookmark-and-close function. Isn’t that implemented by some other bookmark related add-on? I prefer not to mix the manual and automatic closing for now, sorry.
Hi @Gregga. Your wonderful addon doesn’t work properly with hibernating Windows or Mac sleep. When I resume back of hibernate, most of my tabs get swept. I feels as if the firefox windows don’t get idle during hibernate on Windows or sleep on Mac. This makes the addon somewhat unusable for me.
I would really appreciate if you could look into this. Thanks so much.
While I don’t use either of those OSes with this addon or hibernating, I got an idea how to fix it: when Firefox sends user-interaction-active event, I shouldn’t increase the idle times of tabs if a lot more than 5 seconds elapsed since the last such event.
Notice, however that even if I find the necessary tools to fix this addon in a few days, Mozilla may not accept the new version as they’re deprecating the “legacy” SDK that makes it possible to make such addons. I’ll do what I can, but when Mozilla closes its doors, I’ll try to move on to another browser, probably a Firefox clone.
Hi Gregga,
I’ll try to move on to another browser, probably a Firefox clone.
I am sorry to hear that. Would you consider writing it for WebExtensions? The tab API is not much different than Chrome; you may be able to write the addon once and have it work in both Firefox and Chrome. Would you consider that?
Eric Jung
[quote=“ericjung1, post:13, topic:5624, full:true”]
Would you consider writing it for WebExtensions?[/quote]
Yes, I will try to do that when Bug 1322060 is fixed (and time permits).
Version 0.0.4 is available. Please, test it with hibernation. If you enable tooltips (temporarily) in the add-on configuration, you should see that idle time is not increased by the hibernation time after your system resumed. I just tested it with a desktop computer with Windows.
I also marked this version compatible with multiprocess Firefox as it doesn’t handle web content.
Thanks so much for this fix @Gregga. I would test and be able to give an
authoritative answer within the next 24 hours. I stopped using hibernation
because of this and I’m so grateful you fixed this!
@Gregga Your wonderful addon works now with hibernate and Mac sleep! Thanks
so much!
You’re welcome. Thanks for reporting this problem.