Hi all!
Last Monday, the Test Pilot dev team got together with Test Pilot experiment teams to share updates and future plans.
We’ll be having another of these meetings next Monday; I’ll send out a reminder later this week, but info is here: https://wiki.mozilla.org/index.php?title=Test_Pilot/Meeting
Notes are pasted in below, and can also be found on the wiki.
General Topics / Roundtable
(Want to share a useful library? Blocked on something? Wondering how other experiment teams do something?)
- SDK is going away as of 57; experiments will need to graduate or rewrite before then
- There’s a helpful guide on MDN: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/Add-ons/WebExtensions/Comparison_with_the_Add-on_SDK
- The Test Pilot addon is being rewritten right now, so ask in #testpilot if you have questions
Friends of the Test Pilot team
(Give a shoutout/thanks to people for helping fix and test bugs in Test Pilot or experiments. Introductions for new contributors)
- Resolved bugs (excluding employees):
- cecilebertin: Add L/R key support to onboarding modal (Screenshots #2784)
- More than one bug fixed:
- niharikak101: Truncate long screenshot titles (Screenshots #2147), Scale onboarding to fit small windows (Screenshots #2654)
- New contributors (
= First Patch!)
Project Updates
(Product, engineering, & community updates. For more ideas, see the meeting proposal doc.)
Test Pilot
(includes eng, UX, user research, product)
- Test Pilot is adding a news feed to the website in the next 1-2 sprints!
- Test Pilot add-on will be removing Add-on SDK usage soon as well
Activity Stream
- Started a Pocket experiment last week (may 1st)
- Landed preffed off version of AS in FFx Nightly (enable by flipping the
pref totrue
- Working on SDK migration
- Working on a Shield version
- Same repo, blog post to come about how to build addon and shield version from same repo
- Product backlog is now prioritized partly based on community feedback
- Making UX right now. We’re planning on using Photon’s paradigms
- Should be possible to do this all as a WebExtension
- Can a browserAction redirect to a sidebar? If you know, talk to vlad
Min Vid
- Milestone for replacing sdk
- Final ui tweaks coming
- Talks with soundcloud ongoing
- Update with lots of minor bug fixes coming this week
- Uses the SDK extensively
- We’re collecting data! 21k submissions so far.
- Page Shot is graduating (into Firefox \o/) targeting release in 54.
- Screenshots is pref’d off in Beta. Getting some perf regressions trying to enable (Bug 1361792)
- Using SHIELD pref tagging to roll out a small sample to analyze.
Snooze Tabs
- Work is mainly hibernating, letting metrics come in.
- Speech input experiment targeting ~Q2: https://public.etherpad-mozilla.org/p/speaktome-coordination (link to repo/XPI)
- Sharon drafting UR plan
- John working on user stories
Tab Center
- No updates