Test Your Skills: Array 2


I just finished my code of the exercise Array 2 and It works fine but I would like to one more thing in it, I would like to add a space between each character name like this:
Array: Ryu, Ken, Chun-Li, Cammy, Guile, Sakura, Sagat, Juri

so I created this looping:

for (let i = 0; i < myArray.length; i++) {
let subArray = myArray[i].split(',') + ', '; //here is the place I add the "comma" and "space"

I can access the correct line with console.log but I cannot apply it to the “myArray” variable…

This is my full code:

et myString = 'Ryu+Ken+Chun-Li+Cammy+Guile+Sakura+Sagat+Juri';
let myArray = myString.split('+');
let arrayLength = myArray.length;

for (let i = 0; i < myArray.length; i++) {
et subArray = myArray[i].split(',') + ' ';

let lastItem = myArray[7];

Could anyone help me with it?

Thank you :slight_smile:

Hi there @rodrigoguima!

It seems to me that if you want to replace all instances of + with , , that you should do this with string methods, before you ever get to splitting the string into an array.

You could use the replace() method to handle this pretty nicely:

let newString = myString.replace(/[+]/g, ', ')

Read more about this on MDN :wink:

The /[+]/g bit is a regular expression, and regular expressions are pretty fiddly and hard to work out, but you get used to them with a bit of practice:

  • / and / are the boundaries of the regular expression.
  • + is the pattern we are trying to search for. I’ve wrapped it in square brackets to make it match for the string literal “+”, otherwise it interprets it as a bit of syntax and you get an error.
  • The g modifier after the end of the regular expression means “global” — match all the instances of the pattern you find, not just the first one.

You could then go on to split newString into an array if you wanted to, like this:

newString.split(', ')

Hope this helps.


Ohhh!!! @chrisdavidmills It finally works! Man you are awesome! I am about 2 days trying to fix it! Thank you!!

@rodrigoguima :slight_smile:

Hello Chris,

Thanks for the tip, it indeed worked.

Everything seems good on JSBin:

let myString = ‘Ryu+Ken+Chun-Li+Cammy+Guile+Sakura+Sagat+Juri’;

let newString = myString.replace(/[+]/g, ', ');

let myArray = newString.split(’, ');

for (let i = 0; i < myArray; i++){
let arrayLength = myArray.length;

let lastItem = myArray[7];

Unfortunately when I try it on the console Array 2, I get this message error:
‘ReferenceError: arrayLength is not defined’

Is there something wrong with my lines of code below?

Thank you!

The problem is probably in here:

let arrayLength = myArray.length;

On the first line you use arrayLength, and on the second line you use arraylength. Since JS is case-sensitive, these are two different values.

Thank you for responding that quickly.
Indeed rookie mistake!
Still not working on the console though, but I guess if it’s ok on JSBin, that’s what matters.

Thank you again for your help :wink: