The second link should link to an image called narwhal.jpg , which is located in a folder one directory level above the current directory called narwhal .
Doesn’t it mean the folder one directory above IS called narwhal?
In reallity, there is a folder called narwhalIN the folder one directory above. So the correct path to the image is ../narwhal/narwhal.jpg, not ../narwhal.jpg.
I can see why think this might be confusing. You are right — the correct path is ../narwhal/narwhal.jpg. I have tried updating the sentence structures to reduce the confusion. do you think they are better now?
The second link should link to an image called narwhal.jpg , which is located in a directory called narwhal one directory level above the current directory.
For me, it’s still not clear enough about where the directory narwhal is.
Below is my effort to improve the sentence.
The second link should link to an image called narwhal.jpg, which is located in a directory called narwhal, which is in turn inside the directory one level above the current directory.
Is it too verbose? Or, yet more misleading?
Again, this might be totally the matter of my English ability.
@Junpei that does seem quite verbose to me, but then it is interesting to see what kind of language is unclear to non-native English speakers. This helps me improve my writing and make it better for everyone. So, thank you
How about this version, which is somewhere between the two?
The second link should link to an image called narwhal.jpg, which is located inside a directory called narwhal, which is located one directory level above the current directory.