Hello I had some questions regarding transfer learning with 0.6.0 release,
I want to use the checkpoint version 0.6.0 and tune with my own data.
Which branch should i use for continuing training from a release model : transfer-learning2 or the master branch.
This topic is raised because its written that the latest model 0.6.0 is not backward compatible with 0.5.1.
Will the model exported with transfer-learning2 branch be compatible with 0.6.0?
This PR will be merged into master in some time, I would try with this one as it is most up to date:
← artie-inc:transfer-learning2
opened 12:28AM - 25 Sep 19 UTC
This PR represents an up-to-date version of `transfer-learning2`, which I've tes… ted locally on Common Voice for a small (i.e. 100 utterances) adaptation set
There is only one conflict with master which you would need to resolve.
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@jendker , Is this patch for using 0.5.1 checkpoint for Training or this is needed for training on 0.6 Checkpoint, And why on master , is there patch avaiable for tagged 0.6( release)
I meant master, because at the time of writing the post the release 0.6.0 was ~ equal to the master.
From what you can see this PR is a child of fairly recent commit, so rather for version 0.6.0. For 0.5.1 I was using branch transfer-learning2.