Updating useful but now incompatible extensions

I’m a huge fan of both Firefox and Pinboard.in!

Unfortunately Pinboard.in’s developer isn’t a FF fan, and hasn’t maintained the primary Firefox extension - https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/pinboard-extension/ and it is no longer compatible with Firefox :frowning:

Is there any group that is trying to update extensions that have been abandoned by their original maintainer and recently been made incompatible, but which are still of utility to FF users?

They have a Chrome Extension.


Maybe you should email them to bring that version over to Firefox.

For what it’s worth, I downloaded the Google Chrome version 1.0 and dropped it into Firefox. It didn’t install. I tweaked their manifest.json and got that working, but there were CSP errors.

He. Not they. Pinboard.in is run by a single guy. So, if as the first post posits, he’s not a FF fan, he might not want to do the porting work.

Correct, I had already reached out to Maciej and he said he hadn’t touched it in years, so I don’t expect him to do anything with it.

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