Upon downloading the “world’s most secure browser” I find that in order to load my completely benign self-developed internal extension that literally does nothing except change the style on some elements of our corporate website, I not only have to submit it to some opaque, unaccountable review process and wait perhaps weeks for it to be signed, I have to provide credentials for the corporate website it is intended to run on! WTF! What corporate legal department on earth would approve of that? Apparently Mozilla doesn’t observe the first rule of security …NEVER give someone your password. Back to Chrome I guess. I mean, Google only spies on you. Firefox wants you to assist in your own demise by giving them the keys to the kingdom. Firefox is DOA here because that ain’t happening.
I don’t know why that would be required. Where did you see that in the documentation? Maybe it needs to be made clearer.
You can apply basic style rule change to websites right now using Stylus:
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