(Konstantina Papadea)
June 8, 2017, 12:32pm
Hello amazing Reps,
today it’s our first monthly call so we have a lot to talk about!
Remember, the calls in June will happen at 14:00 UTC , 2 hours earlier than usual
AirMo video:
Weekly call details:
TOPIC 1 - Reps elections spring 2017 - @konstantina
TOPIC 2 - Reps Path - @konstantina
TOPIC 3 -Community Coaches - @franc
TOPIC 4 -Jakarta Community space - @yofie
And your topic! - feel free to add it on etherpad
PS: As always we encourage you to add some shout outs! We have amazing reps doing amazing work! Let’s send them some #mozlove !
(Chiorean Ioana)
July 21, 2017, 1:04pm
Raw notes are here.
ReMo Portal Event - If you attended this call or watched the AirMo recording, please mark yourself as an attendee here (both reps or mozillians).
Daniele Scasciafratte, @ Mte90net
Vibhanshu Chaudhary | @ vibhanshu95
sandeep kapalawai | @ sandeep81910240
Prathamesh Chavan , @ pathfinderpc and my favourite super hero as a kid was Shaktiman \o/
Konstantina @ couci probably thor
Francisco, @ francjp. Batman
Nazir Ahmed Sabbir, @NaSabbir
Dinesh Mv, @ dinesh_mv, Batman
Robert Kaiser (KaiRo), no twitter, I don’t fully remember any super hero from being a kid, but I always loved Asterix (does that count?)
Christophe @ hellosct1, my favortie super hero as Captain Harlock
Edoardo Viola, @ edovio, Batman
Vishal Chavan, @ vi5halc, Batman (no debates about it :P)
Bala Subramaniyan | @ balapandu222
Kiki @ kelimuttu, mom is my favorite super hero all the time
Jayesh Kr, @ Jayeshk_r, Naruto
Tanzeel Khan, @ khantanzeel, Spiderman
Kumaresan.C.S .@ cskumaresan ,Super hero is shaktiman
Juma Baldeh, @ TechAngelGirl. Clark Kent in Small Ville
Pushpita Dey @ PushpitaPikuDey (not a fan of superhero. )
Know some Reps who did an amazing work! Let’s share some #mozlove to them! ( they will be tweeted after the meeting)
to all new council members
to everyone that run for elections this year
As a part of nightly campaign in India i have conducted an event and got a good response from the contributors :
TOPIC 1 Reps Elections - new council is in! - Ioana (with the voice of Konstantina)
Welcome new council members!
This time we had a new record of 212 votes! Keep on rocking
Check the announcements here .
A survey is on your way this weekend - we want to gather your feedback - both as a rep that votes and also as one that participated as candidate. Please share any improvements you might think of, better understanding of the process etc.
Thanks again for all the candidates - and do continue to put in action your ideas, proposals and projects!
TOPIC 2 Reps Path -Next Steps Konstantina
79.62% reps replied
Rest have been moved to alumni along with people that replied they can’t contribute anymore (they will receive a certificate and move to alumni)
Next steps being tracked here .
We will reassign people whose mentor is leaving the program.
Full stats
TOPIC 3 Community Coaches - Francisco
Next step for Regional (community ) coaches is out. Please check more details here .
There are 2 regions which currently vacant:
Region 4: Hungary, Albania, Kosovo, Serbia, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Greece, Romania, Croatia, Bosnia, Montenegro, Ukraine, Russia, Israel
Region 10: Thailand, Cambodia, Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines, Indonesia, Vietnam, Australia, New Zealand.
Please reach out to Franc if you’d like to be part of the program
Have questions: email community-coaches[at]
TOPIC 4 Jakarta Community Space - Yofie
Moved to a new space where we can host more people
We now have 2 main event rooms
We want to focus more on web developers communities by reaching out to them and connecting
Thanks Yofie for the space tour
Check events happening on our space at
TOPIC 5 Rain of Rust updates - Prathamesh
Collaboration with the community space?
Yeah. We can definitely collaborate through an online event. Also, there’s a Techspeaker collaboration activity in MozActivate so we can request the TS to come and give a talk in the community space.
NON-VERBAL UPDATES (ie: you can’t attend but want to share something)