Weekly Call 19-01-2017

Hello lovely Reps,
it’s Thursday that means its time for our weekly call! Check the agenda and add your own topic.
AirMo link


Weekly call details:


  • Diversity and Inclusion
  • Participation OKRs

And your topic! - feel free to add it on etherpad

PS: As always we encourage you to add some shout outs! We have amazing reps doing amazing work! Let’s send them some #mozlove!

Raw notes can be found here.

ReMo Portal Event - If you attended this call or watched the AirMo recording, please mark yourself as an attendee here (both reps or mozillians).


  1. I’m Daniele from Italy (@ mte90net) and I don’t like the font of the new logo, where is the Fira Font?
  2. I m Viswaprasath Chennai (@ iamvp7)
  3. I’m Quentin from france (@ quentin_lamamy) | No mic today sorry
  4. I’m Srushtika, @ Srushtika
  5. I’m Semirah @ semirahd, I think it’s refreshing have a new logo
  6. I’m Irvin @ irvinfly and I am exciting for the new logo, it’s not only cool but also came from community’s idea, true participation! also everyone is asking for the new font!
  7. I’m Konstantina @ couci and I am for the new logo
  8. I’m lucy @ lucyeharris i am totally getting used to the new logo
  9. I’m KaiRo and I’m excited for the new moz://a logo!
  10. I’m Christos from Greece, my twitter is @ bacharakis and I feel geeky with our new Logo!
  11. I’m Ikram from Bangladesh, my twitter is @ hossainalikram and well, I am excited about our new brand identity.
  12. I’m Kiki from Indonesia, my twitter is @ kelimuttu and I feel hmmmmmm about the new logo
  13. I’m Patrick @ patrickf, and I think that change is good…
  14. I´m Yuli from Mexico @ tuxxy
  15. I’m Towaha; Twitter: @ SOFTowaha, I have a different opinion about the new logo; I would rather share it later :slight_smile:
  16. I am Ioana @ioana_cis and I am intrigued about the fact we can use the logo in so many ways - so I guess I like it.

Shout outs!
Know some Reps who did an amazing work! Let’s share some #mozlove to them! ( they will be tweeted after the meeting)

  • Shout out to Christos for jumping this call right after travelling for 19 hours! +1
  • Shout out to nuke for the Open Innovation 2017 flowchart! +1 (agree! it’s a beautiful chart)
  • Shout out for Daniele’s work! Always an inspiration!
  • Shout out to Patrick for attending the call! Super appreciative of his presence and we extend the invitation for other times too! We are a nice group of people…

AGENDA (Please add your own items)
TOPIC 1 - D&I Nominations - Emma

NOMINATE SOMEONE : Call for Nominations — Diversity & Inclusion for Participation Focus Groups - Mozillians - Mozilla Discourse

Action: Reach to your community and nominate people for the D&I survey
Deadline for nominations until January the 28th

TOPIC 2 - OKRs - Lucy and Patrick

  • OKRs stand for objective and key results, objective are goals and key results is how we are going to reach them
  • Read the OKRs here.
  • Questions:
  • can we share the slides?+1+1+1

NON-VERBAL UPDATES (ie: you can’t attend but want to share something)