Detailed notes
Shoutouts to Alex Wafula, African Reps, @couci, @Ioana and @lshapiro
Webmaker & Mozilla Learning update
Michelle joined the call to talk about webmaker and Mozilla Learning projects.
Blog post about Webmaker changes.
Have a question? Ask on discourse.
Elio share his experience on how they set up a Club and what does it look like. More about how to set up a club. Also we have create a topic to share your experience or ask questions about clubs.
Suggested Tiles for Firefox update
Patrick joined the call to update Reps about suggested Tiles in Firefox.
This week is going to be announced that it’s landing in beta starting with US users.
Firefox will use locally use the history to suggest interesting tiles for the user and it’s going to be super easy to opt-out or hide tiles you are not interested in. Firefox is the one deciding which tiles to show, not the partners.
Reps can be involved with this projects in two ways:
Patrick will work with the Reps team to open this opportunity and to improve localization around this announcement and the technical details.
We have opened a discourse topic to ask any questions you might have.
Featured events
These are some events that have happened or are happening this week.
Mozilla Balkans: 22-25 May. More info on the wiki
Rust Releases parties: 23rd (Pune, Bangalore)
Debian/Ubuntu community Conference: 23-24 (Milano).
Mozilla QA Bangladesh, Train the contributors: 26th (Dhaka).
Festival TIK 2015 - Bandung: 28-29 (Bandung, Indonesia).
Help me with my project!
Staff onboarding
@george would love to know if a few volunteers would be excited to help out with new staff onboarding.
Requires availability at 17:15 UTC on Mondays for a 15min presentation, the benefit is that we would provide public speaking/presentation training and coaching and you will talk to new hires about the community and how awesome it is.
Business card generator
@helios needs help with the business card generator, which is written in nodejs.
Original generator idea.
Firefox e10s
@lshapiro needs help to test multiprocess in Firefox Developer Edition and add-ons.
Whistler WorkWeek - Reimbursements
We are only one month to the workweek and there might be some questions about how to help volunteers that need reimbursements.
Reps will be reached out from Mozillians for reimbursement, so help them as better as possible to make the reimbursement smooth.
There will be an event created on reps portal to use on the budget form, otherwise add the mozillians page URL as event in the request form (or Reps profile URL).
Contact your mentor if you have doubts about reimbursing without an event, other questions reach out to @franc.
Mozilla Reps SEA (SouthEast Asia) Online Meetup
The next online meetup of ReMo SEA will be on Fri 22 MAY 2015 at 1200Z (UTC)
This is a monthly meet-up held by @bobreyes. Reps based in nearby countries (i.e. China [including Hong Kong], Taiwan, Japan and Korea) are also welcome to attend the online meetup, even people from Europe/Americas are invited to join!
They will share more details once the meet-up is over.
Check the raw notes.