ReMo Portal Event - If you attended this call or watched the AirMo recording, please mark yourself as an attendee here: (both reps or mozillians)
My name is Sandeeo, my twitter handle :@ sandeep81910240 my favorite app is Gmaps
My name is Konstantina, @ Konstantina_P and my favorite apps are taxibit and untappd
My name is Shahbaz, @ mdsbzalam and my favorite app is Clash of Clans
My name is Thiago Policena, @ thiagopolicena and my favorite app is Spotify
My name is Vibhanshu Chaudhary | @ vibhanshu95 | SHAREit
My name is Abhiram , @ abhi12ravi on Twitter and my favourite app is Duolingo <3
My name is Harsha Bandaru , @ harsshhaa
My name is George @ geroter and my favorite app is the FT progressive web app
My name is Umesh Agarwal @ umesh_agarwal1 and my favourite app is Lifelog
My name is Jayesh | @ jayeshk_r | My favorite app is Telegram
My name is Srushtika, @ Srushtika
My name is Po-chiang Chao (or Bob), | @ bobchao | favorite app: Medium
My name is Bala Subramaniyan | @ balapandu222 | I love all Google product apps.
My name is Rishu Goenka | @ RishuGoenka | Google Earth It takes me where ever i want
My name is Sierra, @ SimplxeSierra, my favorite mobile app is SNAPCHAT (you can follow me at sr_!
Massive shout out to Viki who just stepped up big-time this week to volunteer as a Space Wrangler for the Decentralization space at MozFest ( Thanks <3)
to all the Activate mobilizers out there: Ikram, Biraj, Geraldo, Arturo, Daniele, Dinesh, Mijanur, Mehul, Bob, Bob Chao, Michael, Kumerasan, Abhiram and many more
to Paul (seburo ) for helping building the nightly activity -wo hu … <3
Open Innovation strategy (including the D&I initiative
You can also apply to be part of the Communities Advisory Group
Think If I have conducted a workshop with 100 members, and I share the link with all of them to fill the feedback. How do I conclude weather they have really filled the feedback or not? some people may leave without filling it. Do we have any such way to track weather they have really filled or not?
TOPIC - 3 Here the news from some of the Activate rock stars
Bob Chao
Check his presentation. He shared some pretty cool tips to start a MozActivate activity.
Bob is based in Taipei and he mostly organized the MozActivate activities in Taipei Community Space. We’re doing activities around WebExtentions & WebVR.
The good stuff - we are focused on a few activities like Rust, WebVr, extensions, etc - so there is a standardization.
Things to improve:
What happens after an Activate event? Do we keep in touch with the participants? (there needs to be mechanisms for this) - HowWasIt form helps this, in a way
we aim that activate is a way to create communities so we want to help those people to become a community on the technology they are working or join the community
Follow up: How do we keep track of such communities and their progress?
Better tangible and measurable outcomes for Rust activity ( Rust, as you know cannot lead to commits/makes after just 1-2 days of workshop)
that’s so true, we are going to have the RainofRust events and change the activity based on them we will have feedback circles to change the events