Weekly demographyc statatistics


These days many people stay at home, and Catalan CV community members are promoting a Twitter challenge (https://mobile.twitter.com/softcatala/status/1242167591315128323), promoting collaboration on CV. Weekly demographic stats could be very useful, because it’s easy to encourage speakers from a specific variant, age or gender is you can show them stats and.

So, could somebody post demographic statistics weekly?

Thanks in advance

Thanks for this initiative. We are currently gathering metrics needs from community to see what we can implement in the future on the portal. Unfortunately currently we don’t have the capability for this kind of weekly reports.

It’s a pitty. Current stats for Catalan accents are:

58%  central
7%  valencià
6% nord-occidental
3% septentrional
1% balear

Clearly, valencian and balear stats are very low, according population. So we want to track evolution of these figures closely.