What does this warning affect?

Tensorflow-gpu 1.6.0
DS 0.2.0a9

W tensorflow/contrib/rnn/kernels/lstm_ops.cc:849] BlockLSTMOp is inefficient when both batch_size and cell_size are odd. You are using: batch_size=7, cell_size=375

I’m not sure I can clarify it any further than what the message is saying: odd numbers can hurt performance.

yes, but why default values batch_size = 1

What does this have to do with your original message? 1 is the only reasonable default value because what batch size you use is a function of how much resources (memory) your computer has, and only each and every user can know that.

Thank you for your answer and patience, how can I calculate the batch size based on RAM or gpu memory? for example if the 16GB RAM and 11GB gpu memory

Unfortunately there’s no way to calculate it directly, you have to experiment a bit. It depends on your dataset as well. If you have very long audio files, it’ll reduce the maximum batch size you can use. As a reference, we use train_batch_size = 24 on TITAN Xp GPUs (12GB) with Fisher+Switchboard+Librispeech datasets. dev and test batch sizes = 48.