What's with the reverse DNS requests?

I didn’t notice it for a while but it was only after restarting my iot pi that it was making a TON of rDNS requests. Has anyone else had this happen to them? What caused it? Where can I find logs so I can investigate this further?

I’m not entirely sure. It could be caused by PageKite, which is what we use to set up tunnels.

I’ll plug it in again and screenshot the domains it’s trying to hit. I’ll also try to grab the logs.

They’re all pointer requests, here are a couple of them:

Here are the log files from today(3-11) when I plugged the device back in, and from last Friday (3-8) when it was making far more requests.


Those are all reverse DNS requests for the local network, 192.168.0.X addresses. It may actually be due to a recent change in the Wake-on-LAN adapter. It now tries to map IP addresses to hostnames. The commit is here.

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If that’s the case disabling the “pinging” setting in the add-on options should actually prevent all these requests, since the arp table won’t be rebuilt every 30 seconds.

The implementation could probably also be enhanced to use a “lazy” arp table refresh approach, where the adapter only re-requests the arp table whenever it can’t ping a device under the cached IP for the mac. This should however ensure, that the result from the ping still logs a matching host name etc.

Disabling pinging seemed to have resolved this issue.