Which icon is “the Triad color scheme icon” of Paletton?

About Paletton, “Applying color to HTML elements using CSS(Palette design example)” has the following sentence:

if we don’t like the proposed greenish-blue color, we can click the Triad color scheme icon, …

I’ve been trying to understand which icon is the icon, but the question has not solved yet. Is there anyone who could help me?

just in case

Because I had little knowledge about colors, I learned in other place about the basics like the color wheel. I may not have what I need now, but it’s not that I don’t know words which related to colors at all.

the third icon from the left in the left side of the screen

this one Screenshot from 2022-03-18 16-15-33

hope that help and have a nice day :slight_smile:


Hi @justsomeone, I appreciate your help. Definitely I was able to answer my question.


Hello @user-p

you very welcome sometime i get lost also and glad to help anytime and have a nice day :slight_smile: