While using the @firefox twitter account can I ......?

…recommend extensions?
…recommend unlisted extensions?
…recommend extension collections?
…recommend userChrome.css tweaks?
…send the user to some unofficial community like https://www.reddit.com/r/firefoxcss ?
…recommend alpha software while stating clearly that it’s alpha for example Fenix or Reference browser?

Sorry if this info is some place on the internet :smiley:

Hi Andrei

Thank you for your questions. I am looking into this and either myself or someone else will come back to you soon about this.

I would not be keen to see unlisted extensions recomended and tweaks to userChrome.css should come with a “health warning”, but let me get an better answer for you.

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For most people, I would not recomend using either the work in progress that is Fenix, or the Reference Browser. Neither are suitable for regular day to day browsing or are subsitutes for Firefox for Android, Focus for Android or Firefox Lite.

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I would say Yes to:
…recommend extensions?
…recommend extension collections? <- Definitely
…send the user to some unofficial community like https://www.reddit.com/r/firefoxcss ^ They’re better equipped to handle userChrome.css questions

I would say use your personal Twitter account for these :wink:

…recommend unlisted extensions?
…recommend userChrome.css tweaks?
…recommend alpha software while stating clearly that it’s alpha for example Fenix or Reference browser?*

*Yes but only if the user appears very tech savvy & understands this isn’t a release product & will have breakage & ugly bugs :wink:

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