Just got a new desktop. Can’t add wikibuy. I checked and the old computer still has wikibuy. I just put it on Brave, but when I go to download from wikibuy.com from Firefox it says the file is corrupt. Any ideas?
Where are you installing from?
I am not aware of a currently offered extension, so I was wondering where you found the one you tried that failed to install.
Can you check with Wikibuy on when they plan to reintroduce a Firefox extension?
wikibuy is where I was at. I have it on my old computer, but unfortunately, I signed in on the new computer so it updated the old computer. : ( Here is the page I was looking at: it won’t let me post the link. Pretty sure I just searched for download wikibuy on firefox.
Wikibuy is available for Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, & Safari! You can install Wikibuy directly from the Chrome Web Store, the Mozilla Firefox Add-On page, the Microsoft Store, and the Safari Extensions store.
I guess it has been removed from firefox. “Oops! We can’t find that page:”
Yes, I cannot find a current link to install the Wikibuy extension. That’s why I suggested contacting them to find out when they can re-post it.
Ok, Thanks! I will do that.