Am trying to build on Windows from source. Folling the description on github, I installed MSYS2 and Bazel, and did run to use CUDA.
When running the command :
bazel build --workspace_status_command=“bash native_client/” -c opt --config=cuda --copt=/arch:AVX --copt=/arch:AVX2 //
I always the the error:
ERROR: D:/projects/deepspeech/tensorflow/native_client/BUILD:3:1: file ‘@org_tensorflow//tensorflow:tensorflow.bzl’ does not contain symbol ‘if_cuda’
ERROR: D:/projects/deepspeech/tensorflow/native_client/BUILD:148:10: Traceback (most recent call last):
File “D:/projects/deepspeech/tensorflow/native_client/BUILD”, line 61
tf_cc_shared_object(name = “”, srcs = …"]})), <5 more arguments>)
File “D:/projects/deepspeech/tensorflow/native_client/BUILD”, line 148, in tf_cc_shared_object
name ‘if_cuda’ is not defined
ERROR: Skipping ‘//’: no such target ‘//’: target ‘’ not declared in package ‘native_client’ defined by D:/projects/deepspeech/tensorflow/native_client/BUILD
WARNING: Target pattern parsing failed.
ERROR: no such target ‘//’: target ‘’ not declared in package ‘native_client’ defined by D:/projects/deepspeech/tensorflow/native_client/BUILD
INFO: Elapsed time: 0.147s
INFO: 0 processes.
FAILED: Build did NOT complete successfully (1 packages loaded)
Unfortunately I don’t know Bazel, and my simplistic attempts of adding something like
def if_cuda(a, b)
return a
did of course not solve anything.
Any help how to resolve this issue would be greatly appreciated.