I need to code a Wio Terminal for work as a thing on Mozilla IoT platform, with arduino IDE languages if possible, As far as I know is not a supported board by the libraries ( webthing-arduino) so I’m looking now for some workarounds, Wi-Fi if possible, but even serial or another comm option with the gateway, and also help or initiate (in what my technical abilities allows me) on a formal deploy and documentation. Thank you. I have many details of the process and issues, so i will be editing the post with them.
Thank you Michael, now I could install your repo and the web server library, after installing another libraries, (I didn’t had (FS and SFUD)) and finally It could compile and upload the code. But I couldn’t still add the device gettin a red 400 when I add manually the IP of the thing.
I got the following messages from the arduino monitor after establishing WiFi connection.