I am trying to update some of my add-ons from XUL/XPCOM to WebExtensions and am having some trouble getting the network error information that I want.
Previously (in XUL/XPCOM) I could use the following:
- Components.interfaces.nsINSSErrorsService,
- requestChannel.channel.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRequest).status, and
- Components.classes["@mozilla.org/nss_errors_service;1"].getService(localNSSErrorsService).getErrorClass(localErrorStatus);
to provide the required information.
It looks like using WebRequest might provide some of the information I want but I haven’t had any success using it alongside XMLHttpRequest. Do I need to change everything over to WebRequest (I will if I have to - and if it can provide the other details I need - but eveything else is working properly with XMLHttpRequest so I’d prefer not to)?
Can someone, please, provide some pointers/tips/hints on what I should be doing to get the network error information.
Thank you.