[ACTION REQUIRED] New Sentence Collector Infrastructure and Improvements

日本語版: 新しいCollectorツール(2020年10月7日更新版)について

Can I ask a question in this topic?

  • Is this a spec?
    • I have migrated my account. But the Migrate Account menu is still showing in the sidebar.
    • When I click on the menu in the sidebar to open the Review page, nothing appears. When I refresh the page, a sentence or message appears (after that, it works fine).
    • I can't log in to the platform and the Collector tool at the same time. In my environment, when I log in to one, I log out on the other. I'm not having trouble with it because I don't work at the same time.
  • About Statistics. I think there were about 150,000 "total sentences" in Japanese language before it was redesigned, but now there are only 2,316. Yes, I saw Megan's reply on Sentence collector copyright issues (thanks, Megan). Is this your work, Michael? if so, thank you. It means a normal change in numbers, right?
  • How does the sentence metadata identify the user? Can the "submission ID" identify a user? Will JSON files (e.g., https://kinto.mozvoice.org/v1/buckets/App/collections/Sentences_Meta_ja/records) continue to be useful in the future?
  • Will the information we set up in the platform's profile be shared in the Collector tool?

Name of what? Native language, does that mean user's? How does it identify the native language?

Personally, I would have liked to keep the voice activity and the sentence collection activity separate (for privacy reasons), but I think it's fine.

Thanks for the update, everybody!