You don’t see this but Firefox addons page is constantly under attack with a huge number of fake/malicious addon submissions and these new policy will help fight it.
Actually, a lot of people totally do, which is part of why this is so weird looking. It is very, very obvious that this is happening. Until this new policy came out, there wasn’t a peep out of Mozilla about the proliferation of malicious extensions being the root of extension review times.
And even if there is a problem with your addon, the reviewer will contact you and you will have time to resolve issues.
Having gone through this process once already I can hardly recommend it, in fact it is extremely poorly conducted throughout and part of the reason for why it’s so bad is because these rules were poorly or insufficiently conceived. I’m still willing to give this one to Hanlon and not Mulder, but non-malicious intent doesn’t actually make it better for any of us. The outcome is the same, our extension updates are blocked for months at a time.
But in general, if your addon is not used by a huge number of users, it will never be reviewed.
What’s huge? 10000 users? 1000? 100? Mine’s between the last two. Anyway this is false. There are tons of unlisted extensions with a single user or used within a single organization that are affected by this already. These are self-hosted extensions.
If they want self-hosted WebExtensions to remain viable we’re going to need some way of side-loading valid extension signing keys into Firefox to do our own signing without AMO. Extensions should have to opt-into this method at the same time they choose between AMO or self-distribution. Sideloading a key should not be something a user can do by accident and it should not be required to manipulate about:config. A real UI for extension key sideloading so unlisted extensions that opt-in can’t even be installed without performing the sideloading procedure. That would actually impact the problem by removing the burden of signing many unlisted extensions from Mozilla and removing the ability to install those extensions from Firefox without explicitly enabling them by sideloading a key.