Android tflite model inference issues

@sranjeet.visteon Can you try this one? it should have debug info, maybe it can give us a better hint looking at logcat ? (1.5 MB)

Attached is the report with the new library with debug (2.5 KB)

Ok, it’s not giving more informations.

Could you share the taskcluster output of arm64, so that I can give it a try with a different android system running on an arm64?

At some point, it might be even easier if ARM64 does not help that you build and hack native_client/ yourself, to see where the segfault happens, it’s not that much work.

@lissyx I tried on a different arm64 system running Android 8.1 but the result was the same segmentation fault. Is the tflite model that you have exported using the steps mentioned in I also find the size of the tflite model generated to be same as that of the .pbmm model, is this the expectation?

Yes and yes. What’s this ARM64 system ?

This is Qualcomm 820AM HW.

Can you share your tflite file ?

And can you test with this one ?

Yes this works. My tflite model is around 180MB in size equivalent to the size of the .pbmm file that was part of the 0.4.1 release.

Please share it, because re-exporting 0.4.1 woks well for me.

I could not upload the file here, so added it in dropbox

Well, at least I reproduce the issue myself now …

@sranjeet.visteon I’m getting weird behavior. Which version of TensorFlow did you used ?

I did not train a new model, all I did was an export from the deepspeech release of 0.4.1 and I believe the target only uses tflite. I am not sure where tensorflow comes into picture, are you referring to tensorflowlite version?

When you export, it relies on TensorFlow package that contains TensorFlow Lite.

@sranjeet.visteon here:

Tensorflow version is 1.12.0 just the CPU one.