Assessment wanted for Conditional exercise

Hi @merideth.murdock, and welcome to the commmunity!

I’m more than happy to give you some feedback on your code. If you have any more questions, don’t hesitate to ask.

For the second exercise, you are on the right track, but there is a bit of clean up to do so we can get this working.

First of all, you need to update instances of if else to else if for it to work. JavaScript is pretty strict about syntax being correct.

Second, in the conditions, where you’ve used =, for example in score = 100, you need to use === instead. = is the assignment operator, which you use to assign a new value to a variable. === is the strict equality operator, which you need in this case, as you are testing whether a variable value is equal to something. This is a very common mistake, so don’t worry about it; I still do that sometimes.

For the third exercise, you’ve basically got this right, except for the same comment about operators as above.

And also you have the conditions inside quotes, which means they are not being evaluated as math expressions, but as strings, which breaks the switch statement.

Lastly, you need to change the opening switch line to switch (true) — I’ve tried to explain why here: Assessment wanted Conditionals 3

One thing that might help is for you to space out your code a bit more, so it is easier to see what is going on. see our answer for example