Assessment wanted for Object basics 3

Here are the links : MDN and Codepen.
Thank you in advance for your help !

Hi @TheRealSuperhuman
Good to see you plowing through. I can see that you have used this the same way I did and its appearing on the console. Good work. I can see that you went above and beyond as usual to answer the question with the addition of HTML content :muscle:t4::clap:t4::clap:t4:

I notices that you were picking up the name of the first cat with the color of the second so changed the name to the following

para1.textContent = `The cat's name is ${ }.`;

so it would pick up the cat 2. I think the next few lessons, especiallly object prototypes will be a lot of fun. enjoy.

Thank you, is it correct now?

By the way, I am learning javascript on MDN explanations on object prototypes was a bit too complex and theoric for my little brain even though Iā€™m still going to learn from MDN as a secondary source and for technical information. I think explanation are way simpler and way less abstract.

Hi @TheRealSuperhuman,

Apologies. Let me try to remember this aspect again and get back to you . I have used before. I thought that was quite complicated as well so I doubt if your brain is tiny :wink:

It takes a few iterations of learning to get concepts. Be patient with yourself. When you understand you wonder why you didnt before. Think of it like lighting a fire. You need things to be in the right conditions for the fire to start. I hope you will keep coming back to MDN to learn and share more.
