This is very sad, a lot of users are using this app because let them to save bandwidth or use low-budget phone (also with the new mode offline), so basically the CV team is closing the project to a specific segment of users (that is against the Mozilla manifesto).
I can understand that is difficult to follow the quality or the review because after all is a different client developed differently from the official roadmap, also that the team behind CV is busy in a lot of things.
As I said I understand the issue, that was the same at the time of the Telegram bot to contribute to CV. I think that if the code is open source, publicly available and doesn’t have any server to share the information (as this one) except to CV official server, maybe require just a legal overview (already has the ToS as I can remember).
So probably this mean remove that user’s opportunity, maybe for months, until an official strategy is developed and other months to be implemented but the official roadmap is already defined, so I guess that the plan is for 2021/2022.
Looking at the people that share (it is opt-in) their installation of the app ( we are talking of an average of 60 people daily that is the half of the people today at 9AM was contributing to CV (120~ looking at the stats box in the home page).
The plan was to help CV community members to have another way to use the portal that don’t have 500/40X errors or with other issues to contribute to the original CV dataset. Saverio share the statistics of the app publicly, so I think that analysis of the merits of the app it is important to consider.
The Android audience is different from the iOS one, also from kind of users and age. So I think that the Android app until the website: is a PWA supported, more performance friendly and similar features I don’t think that the project should be blocked.
I am saying in this way, honestly my pure opinion, because I met the rest of the CV team in All Hands and know some people of the team since a lot. So I know that the team is working hard in a lot of things/side and the priorities are others but also let more people contributing is very important.