Concern about WebExtensions exclusive strategy from add-on authors and users

Thanks … the most recent comment in that Mozilla bug mentions TabGroups Manager revived. Developer @miguelromero2000 began a topic here in 2015:

From the July 2017 proposal, … TabGroups Manager revived: rewrite for WebExtensions …, a week ago:

I have been testing WebExtension API and it is a nightmare. It is a high level API with a very limited subset of basic browser functionality which lacks all the things we need to port TabGroupsManager. No toolbar widget neither API. No API to create a window with alwaysFocused property true. * Not file data manager APIs. …

And so on…

There has been a lot of complaints and hundreds of impressive letters sent to Mozilla …

Time to switch to Palemoon.

From my perspective as an end user, a tester (with five years’ experience in various AppleSeed projects, 2009–2014):

  • generally, it’s reassuring to observe colossal amounts of developer activity in and around Mozilla
  • more specifically, WebExtensions components in BugZilla@Mozilla (2,550 bugs, including those that are fixed), there’s plenty to look forward to
  • I reckon that eleven weeks from now, the sum of those activities will not be an environment where successors to legacy extensions can combine in a way that will please a good proportion of power users.

What’s a ‘good proportion’? As long as a length of string :-)

Anecdotally, I seem to have more trouble (with Firefox 55.x) with modern, WebExtensions-compatible extensions than I ever had with legacy extensions – some of which are significantly outdated and/or unmaintained. For reasons that I’ll not give here/now, the majority of those troubles go unreported – sorry.

An ill-fitting one-size-fits-all strategy

– that is – in a nutshell – what I perceived coming from Apple in 2014, when (early during the project for pre-release Yosemite) I chose to abandon the company’s products. To cut a long story short: in lieu of Safari, which Yosemite wrecked for me, I began preferring Firefox – as a transitional browser.

Too many sizes

For me, thousands of extra features and styles never was a selling point. It was (still is) somewhat ludicrously difficult to find suitable extensions. Just rarely, not through, thanks to the communities I’d stumble across a gem. Tab Groups is by far the most valuable because it enables power use of a browser in a way that I had not previously imagined. I knew the risks of allowing my workflows to become interwoven with any one product but the experience was so good that I got into it, willingly.


Now: whilst I don’t have the same perception (ill-fitting one-size-fits-all) of the strategic Mozilla Firefox transition to WebExtensions, I do empathise – deeply – with developers and users who are frustrated by the strategy.

The empathy usually extends to people who use profanity and/or demonstrate a (natural) lack of understanding of what’s required for cooperative open source development for an excellent UX. Behind an apparently throwaway comment, often there’s a woman or man with an excellent bug report or enhancement request … if the details can be teased out of that person.

As long as a length of string

Back to that thought of pleasing a good proportion of power users.


Imagine deferring the cut-off date – from mid-November 2017, to mid-February 2018. Maybe enough time for a holistic round of enhancements, testing, supposed fixes and verified fixes … with an allowance for vacation and burn-out periods.

Less radically

Take a parallel initiative – maybe the September/October Firefox Campaign Quantum Sprint (launch event) –

– and integrate, or bolt on, things to help deal with the negative fall-out from the transition.


When add-ons go wrong:


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