DeepSpeech native client compilation for Asus Thinkerboard

Thank you so very much! This added quite some perspective to my approach.

I followed your instructions successfully until

#tensorflow itself
make -j4 -f tensorflow/contrib/makefile/Makefile HOST_OS=PI TARGET=PI ANDROID_TYPES=-D__ANDROID_TYPES_FULL__ 
OPTFLAGS="-Os -mfpu=neon-vfpv4 -funsafe-math-optimizations -ftree-vectorize" CXX=g++-4.8

The process started running and did for a very little while, then it threw the following:

/home/linaro/tensorflow/tensorflow/contrib/makefile/gen/host_obj/tensorflow/core/example/feature.pb.o /home/linaro/tensorflow/tensorflow/contrib/makefile/gen/host_obj/tensorflow/core/example/example.pb.o /home/linaro/tensorflow/tensorflow/contrib/makefile/gen/host_obj/tensorflow/core/grappler/costs/op_performance_data.pb.o  -L/usr/local/lib tensorflow/contrib/makefile/ -lstdc++ -lprotobuf -lpthread -lm -lz -ldl -lpthread
tensorflow/contrib/makefile/ file not recognized: File format not recognized
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
tensorflow/contrib/makefile/Makefile:808: recipe for target '/home/linaro/tensorflow/tensorflow/contrib/makefile/gen/host_bin/proto_text' failed
make: *** [/home/linaro/tensorflow/tensorflow/contrib/makefile/gen/host_bin/proto_text] Error 1

Following the somewhat matching advice here i ran and replaced the exports with

export HOST_NSYNC_LIB=tensorflow/contrib/makefile/downloads/nsync/builds/default.linux.c++11/nsync.a

which made the whole process run seemingly.

Now that last part of your instructions seems to be all Greek to me (but that might just be the time of day :smiley: ), so it will be on tomorrows todo-list. I’ll report back again how it went when i got to it. Meanwhile, thank you again!

P.S.: Not sure the g+±4.8 in your instructions but i replaced them with g++-4.8
P.P.S.: And just now i notice that conflation of + and - seems to be a feature of this editor which can be masked out.