Doesn`t use GPU while training, but during recognition it uses one

You should uninstall everything and reinstall only tensorflow-gpu. And describe all your setup steps if you still have the ModuleNotFoundError.

I run new clear Ubuntu 16.04 with python 3.5 by default, change it to 3.6, install nvidia driverds, cuda9, cudnn7, git lfs, sox(with support mp3) then:
git clone
cd DeepSpeech/
wget -O - | tar xvfz -
sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt
python3 util/ --target . --arch gpu
sudo pip3 uninstall tensorflow
sudo pip3 install 'tensorflow-gpu==1.6.0'
after it try to run ./bin/ and get a message
+ [ ! -f ]
+ [ ! -f data/ldc93s1/ldc93s1.csv ]
+ echo Downloading and preprocessing LDC93S1 example data, saving in ./data/ldc93s1.
Downloading and preprocessing LDC93S1 example data, saving in ./data/ldc93s1.
+ python -u bin/ ./data/ldc93s1
Traceback (most recent call last): File "bin/", line 12, in <module> from tensorflow.contrib.learn.python.learn.datasets import base ImportError: No module named tensorflow.contrib.learn.python.learn.datasets

Please follow the documentation and setup a virtualenv properly. You should never ever have to sudo pip3 install, you are going to run into issues oever and over.

Oh! It really helped me. Thank you very much!
I have one question left: if I launch it on the multi-GPU machine, do I need to do something extra for the distribution of training or it will do it automatically?

If you have several NVIDIA GPUs on one system, it should pick them automagically. And you can play with the CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES environment variable to control the devices that are visible by your process.

Hi, I have one more question about the using of the GPU.
I started training with the following parameters: \
--initialize_from_frozen_model models/output_graph.pb \
--learning_rate 0.0005 \
--dropout_rate 0.2367 \
--epoch 1 \
--display_step 1 \
--validation_step 1 \
--fulltrace \
--checkpoint_dir tests/checkpoint_voip/ \
--checkpoint_secs 60 \
--export_dir tests/export_voip/ \
--summary_dir tests/tensorboard/ \
--summary_secs 120 \
--dev_batch_size 16 \
--dev_files data/voip_en/voip_en-wav-dev.csv \
--test_batch_size 16 \
--test_files data/voip_en/voip_en-wav-test.csv \
--train_batch_size 32 \
--train_files data/voip_en/voip_en-wav-train.csv

In this dataset audio records have 5-10 seconds length.
I have a 1-GPU machine.
Is it OK that the GPU is loaded at 98-100% only 4 seconds and then 26 seconds at 0% and forth and so on? (I use nvtop for the GPU monitoring)

It suggests you have something that runs on the CPU :-). It might be your data fetching that is inappropriately dimensioned: that depends on your training test and your GPU. Without more details on both, it’s unlikely we can help more.

GPU (Tesla K80) : just one process.
CPU (Intel Xeon E5-2686 v4 Broadwell) - 22 subprocesses of, tensorboard and some system’s processes.
About dataset: I found the average record duration - 3.44 seconds (in the training part 35662 records), it’s stored on SSD
On this video you can see two moments when it is loaded at 100%.
I have no more ideas what details to add :slight_smile:

Only one K80 ? That’s not a lot of power, as much as I remember. Small audio files? Maybe you need more into your batch.

Wait @makar.troyan I missed that you set display and validation step to one. Then what you see is likely WER computation taking CPU.

On average, one audio file is 110kb and 3,44 sec duration and has transcription like "i would like information on a mediterranean restaurant" or "m looking for a pub and it must have an internet connection and a tv".
About display and validation step: does it take a place during the epoch? I thought that it is computed after a certain epoch.

Your command line above sets those steps to “1”, so it’s happening after every epoch …

Yes, of course. But the situation like on the video happens during an epoch. It looks like a life cycle of single batch, but I’m not sure. Is WER computed after every batch and if so, can it take so much time ?

Please refrain from using videos or screenshots, it’s not readable, and heavy. I can only comment on the command line you documented earlier. And my comment holds :slight_smile:

Yes, it happens after every batch and can delay things enough to underutilize the GPU. You can set display_step to a higher number so that you don’t calculate WER reports on every epoch.

Also, as lissyx has already mentioned, make sure you’re using batch sizes that are as high as your GPU RAM can handle. In order to quickly find out if any given batch size is too high, you can look for the sort_values call in util/ and change the ascending parameter to False, so that longer samples are used first, then you’ll get OOMs faster and can search for the highest batch size that works for you. Make sure you flip it back again when training for real though :slight_smile:

I understood! Thank you very much, guys! I’ll try to play with the batch size and won’t get carried away with validation and display step ))

@lissyx is it enough to install tensorflow-gpu only in virtual environment or tensorflow-gpu need to be installed in the core system with pip list?

My situation is i have doubt while the training model is taking all power of GPU.
Looks like only 30% or sometimes 3% used GPU.

Just in the virtualenv is enough

Likely batch size effect, try to increase it?

I am using GPU RTX 4000, 32 ram, 500SSD.

Is that enough and any configuration issues on CUDA installed 10.2 and 7.6 may it cost slow training.

Could you please clarify.